By Bee Lindquist
Courtesy of
Your body circulates fluid much like a radiator and the circulation in your body helps dissipate heat, but when the air temperature is higher than 90° F, cooling by sweat is the only way to prevent the body from overheating. Your circulatory system can collapse because the heart and temperature control systems cannot dissipate the heat your body is generating. When working in the heat, the activity of the muscles generates even more energy. This makes it even more important to consume enough fluids to sweat and cool your body. If you are not sufficiently hydrated your body core temperature will rise and begin to destroy tissues and organs. Collapse can come on quickly. Your body will give you warning signs, don’t ignore them.
Working in our climate conditions requires planning and preparation. Your daily diet and how much viable fluid you consume plays a part in how well you can function in the heat. Heavy meals can divert blood flow to the gut reducing the body’s ability to cool itself. Eat small light meals more often instead of a single large meal. The breeze that cools you is also the breeze that dries you out. The fact that you feel cooler in a breeze indicates that water is evaporating and needs to be replaced.
Carbonated beverages and beer are not as effective at replacing body fluids and the alcohol actually increases your dehydration. Plain water at room temperature is the most quickly absorbed for re-hydration. Taking very cold beverages can be refreshing but actually closes the portals of absorption in your system and can lead to shock if you are nearing a crisis point.
What you lose when sleeping is important too. Your lungs need to keep moist to properly process the oxygen into your system. During the night the inhaling and exhaling of the dry air can rob your body of a lot of fluids. Starting the day with juice or a large glass of water helps replace these fluids. Starting the day with juice or a large glass of water helps replace these fluids. Coffee is just a bad idea during the hot weather, as a diuretic it robs your system of even more fluids.
Some signs of being properly hydrated are clear urine, moist lips and if you pinch your skin it will bounce back. Dry, cracked lips can be a sign of long term dehydration. Clothing is important. Loose fitting, breathable clothing can help wick the moisture away from your body and increase the evaporative cooling. Protecting your skin from the sun prevents sunburn. Wearing a light colored hat protects the face and keeps the brain case cooler. Take the time to erect a shade over a work are if possible. Water-proof sunscreens may actually block pores in their effort to help cool the body.
If you believe you have been over-exposed to the sun and heat, immediately get out of the sun and seek shelter. Begin to reintroduce fluids to the system, cool water is the best. (Very cold water may prove a shock to the system and exacerbate the symptoms). Drink it gently. Apply cooling compresses to points of high blood flow like the neck, wrists and inner thighs. Covering the victim in waterproof material and dousing with water is known to be successful in extreme cases. Rapid immersion in cold water of a victim in a critical state can be very dangerous, leading to stroke and heart attack. Immersion of the wrists and ankles in pans of cold water is safe and effective. Do not leave a person suffering from heat stroke or dehydration alone. Anyone suffering visible effects should seek medical attention.
So after a little preparation, get out there and enjoy the beautiful summer. Work slowly and deliberately, be willing to take breaks and know how to listen to the warning signs your body will give.
Plan on short days, starting as early as light allows. Carry a light portable shelter and wear breathable cotton clothing. Drink plenty of water.What you lose when sleeping is important too. Your lungs need to keep moist to properly process the oxygen into your system. During the night the inhaling and exhaling of the dry air can rob your body of a lot of fluids. Starting the day with juice or a large glass of water helps replace these fluids. Starting the day with juice or a large glass of water helps replace these fluids. Coffee is just a bad idea during the hot weather, as a diuretic it robs your system of even more fluids.
Some signs of being properly hydrated are clear urine, moist lips and if you pinch your skin it will bounce back. Dry, cracked lips can be a sign of long term dehydration. Clothing is important. Loose fitting, breathable clothing can help wick the moisture away from your body and increase the evaporative cooling. Protecting your skin from the sun prevents sunburn. Wearing a light colored hat protects the face and keeps the brain case cooler. Take the time to erect a shade over a work are if possible. Water-proof sunscreens may actually block pores in their effort to help cool the body.
If you believe you have been over-exposed to the sun and heat, immediately get out of the sun and seek shelter. Begin to reintroduce fluids to the system, cool water is the best. (Very cold water may prove a shock to the system and exacerbate the symptoms). Drink it gently. Apply cooling compresses to points of high blood flow like the neck, wrists and inner thighs. Covering the victim in waterproof material and dousing with water is known to be successful in extreme cases. Rapid immersion in cold water of a victim in a critical state can be very dangerous, leading to stroke and heart attack. Immersion of the wrists and ankles in pans of cold water is safe and effective. Do not leave a person suffering from heat stroke or dehydration alone. Anyone suffering visible effects should seek medical attention.
So after a little preparation, get out there and enjoy the beautiful summer. Work slowly and deliberately, be willing to take breaks and know how to listen to the warning signs your body will give.
Your age and weight has a profound effect on your susceptibility to heat related problems. After the age of 50 you are subject to increasing risk of overheating. After age 65 you are more than twice as likely to suffer heat related problems as someone in their 30’s. The larger you are the more at risk you are too. The distance from your skin to your body center and the amount of fat insulating the core dramatically affect the body’s ability to cool itself.
The best way to avoid heat exhaustion is to drink continuously; small amounts at a time are more quickly absorbed than bolting down two glasses at a time. It is also advisable to drink cool not cold water because your body will have to work to equalize the temperature of the liquid to your core temperature. Working outside you should consume up to 32 ounces of water and no less than 16 ounces per day for safety.
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