Saturday, August 6, 2011

Don't Boycott The Sun

By Pat Barry
Picture courtesy of
With so much talk about how bad sun exposure can be for you, don’t feel you need to boycott the sun!! There are many benefits of being in the sun and here are what some of the experts have found.

1.Get your daily Vitamin D! Spending just 10-15 minutes a day in the sun can help you get an adequate supply of Vitamin D. This is needed by the body to promote bone health, boost immune function, reduce inflammation, improve neuro-muscular function, and even protect against some forms of cancer.

2.Helps you feel happier and sleepier! Another benefit of sun exposure is that it helps you to produce more serotonin, endorphins, and melatonin in your brain. Endorphins and serotonin are brain chemicals linked with feeling good and at ease. Melatonin is a nocturnal brain chemical that allows you to enter into sleep-mode more quickly at bedtime.

3.Increase your white blood cell and red blood cell production! Experts have found that the sun is good for you because it helps you produce more white blood cells, which enhances your immunity. Sun exposure also helps you produce more red blood cells, which means your blood becomes more oxygenated.

4. It kills dangerous substances on your skin! UV rays from the sun can actually kill viruses, bacteria, molds, yeast and fungi that may be found on the surface of your skin. In this way, sunlight acts as a natural antiseptic of sorts.

5. Clear up skin diseases! While excessive sun exposure can lead to premature wrinkling and even some forms of skin cancer, there are various benefits from sun exposure when it comes to your skin. For example, moderate sunlight has been shown to help clear up some cases of acne, psoriasis, and eczema to name just a few.

Of course, we always suggest use and re-application of SPF lotions EVERY day! We hope that you always protect your skin from the harmful rays but isn’t it nice to know that you don’t have to boycott the sun!!!?

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