Monday, February 28, 2011

Free For Me

Unlikely Places to Find Health Benefits for Free!
Thank Your Valentine!
Healthy relationships matter! Why? Married people have a longer life expectancy and women with happy relationships are less likely to develop risk factors that lead to cardiovascular disease. Benefits range from lessening stress levels to getting more regular health checkups on time.

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Laughter is the Best Medicine!
Laughter is the best medicine because it reduces stress hormones and increases health enhancing hormones. Laugher is a ‘cleansing’ and a physical and emotional release so that psychologically and emotionally, you rid yourself of negative thoughts. Laughter exercises the diaphragm, works our shoulders, leaving our muscles relaxed. It takes your focus away from anger, guilt and stress.

Photo Courtesy of aznhanhbao.files
Sleep, of course, makes you more alert and refreshed but it’s been found that your memory is imporved as well. People who sleep well at night, suffer from less stress and less heart disease. A good night’s sleep is associated with better weight control because people who are tired, crave carbohydrates and other fattening foods. People with less than 7 hours of sleep during a 2 week period before exposure to a virus are 3 times more likely to catch a cold. Sleep is a time for restoration and repair so get between 7-8 hours of sleep on average.

Pet Peeve?
Even though pets can be work, owning a pet can have great health benefits! Pet owners have lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels on average. They can help you have happier lives in general and live longer. Pet owners have longer survival rates after serious illnesses. They get you off the couch to exercise and they bring your focus on to another being.
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Best Tip, Hands Down!
Washing your hands is the best way to prevent spreading germs and keep yourself and others from passing germs or getting sick yourself. Especially the person in the home who prepares food, should wash their hands many times to prevent food poisoning and passing on food born germs associated with raw meats, etc. You should definitely wash your hands after using the restroom but also throughout the day. Wash with anti-bacterial soap and teach your children to wash their hands for a length of time to be able to sing ‘happy birthday’ to make sure they are thoroughly washing.

Positively the Best!
Relax, smile, tell a joke but you can expect to live longer and have a happier life with a positive attitude. Positive attitudes lead towards an optimistic, helpful state of mind linked to good moral, positive mood, good health and success. You will become more resilient and better able to cope with stress and whatever life brings.

Take a Deep Breathe!
Deep breathing reduces stress and a fast breathing rate is linked to high blood pressure. Deep breathing can clear and focus your mind and as it releases endorphins into the system These are natural painkillers. Deep breathing techniques can help relax muscles and help to relieve general aches and pains. Do this while driving, sitting at work, waiting in line and deal with the everyday stresses of your life just by taking air into the lungs, deep into the lungs, not into just your stomach.

Go Ahead and Have a Good Cry!
Humans are the only animals who shed tears of emotion. Weeping is one of the mechanisms that humans use to rid themselves of toxins. Tears may be involved in removing waste products from the body. Tears shed by crying and those shed by watery eyes due to onions, for example, are very different. Crying can be a form of stress release and be a very natural and healthy cure for what ails you. So if you feel it, go ahead and have yourself a good cry!

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